Dear Violists, I hope everyone has had a good summer! Viola Week is within sight – October 31 to November 2. Last year rocked, and we hope to see everyone again…plus lots of new friends. We need the help of every one of you to make this a success. A strong local viola society will need to be a true grassroots effort. What can you do?
1) Word of mouth is a powerful thing. We’re counting on you all – let’s get the word out and make this a fantastic event! Make sure these dates are in your calendar. Bring a friend, encourage your students to attend, talk to your teacher.
2) Forward this email – we’re building a mailing list, but there are far more violists out there than we can ever include. if you’re a teacher, make sure this gets to all your students! We don’t want anyone to miss out.
3) I am attaching a PDF file of our Viola Day poster – please print this out and post it in your place of work or study. (It looks best in color, it’s purple of course! ) If you would like copies sent to you, email me directly and I will put them in the mail.
We will soon be starting a membership drive, we want as many people as possible signed up for the UVS by October 1. All UVS events, Viola Week and beyond, are included in your membership fee. We have the capability to register online, I will follow this email soon with more details about exactly how to do this. Look below for a rundown of events, with more details to come!
As always, you can look to our Facebook page and our website for the most current information: Looking forward, Brad Bradley Ottesen President, Utah Viola Society Violist, Fry Street Quartet Faculty, Caine College of the Arts Utah State University brad.ottesen(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign) (435) 881-5582
Friday, Oct. 31, 7:30 PM – The Virtuoso Viola – Concert at Utah State University featuring Violist Roger Chase and the Fry Street Quartet with a mixed program of solo viola and chamber music. The program will include Kodaly’s transcription of Bach’s Fantasia Chromatica, Rolla duo for violin and viola, Paganini’s Sonata per la Gran Viola, and the Mozart Quintet in C Major.
Saturday, Nov. 1, 9am to 5 PM – Viola Day!!!! at the University of Utah, a full day’s worth of events including a masterclass with Mr. Chase, an exhibition of local luthiers, a lecture/performance by Leslie Richards, the premier of a new viola quintet featuring Brant Bayless with the Fry Street Quartet, and a concert of Viola Ensembles.
Sunday, Nov. 2, 7:00 PM – The Tertis Project – Roger Chase, viola with Michiko Otaki, piano. Recital in Libby Gardner Hall, University of Utah. The program will feature British music for the viola, including York Bowen’s Melodies on the C and G string, Dale Romnace, Bliss Sonata, and the Bax Concertpiece. This will be a rare opportunity to hear one of the world’s great instruments. Mr. Chase plays the Montagnana viola once owned by Lionel Tertis and immortalized in his recordings. The Tertis Project presents music commissioned and programmed by Tertis, with whom Mr. Chase had the opportunity to work with as a young man. You can read more here: